
Data Labeling Challenges and Solutions

In the rush to adopt AI across diverse sectors, today’s enterprises face a common hurdle: efficient data labeling at scale. Numerous enterprises are grappling with generating usable data despite having huge amounts of raw information. Organizations are overwhelmed by the influx of image data, highlighting the need to process and label it for practical use. Data […]

Large Language Models: The New Era of AI and NLP

Artificial intelligence (AI) has witnessed remarkable progress in recent years, with one of its most notable achievements being the development of large language models (LLMs). These models have revolutionized the field of natural language processing (NLP), enabling machines to understand and generate human-like text at an unprecedented scale. LLMs are sophisticated AI systems trained on large text […]

Machine Learning Use Cases for Data Management

In 2023, machine learning (ML) is a powerful enabler for Data Management, revolutionizing the way organizations handle and analyze vast amounts of data. ML, a subset of artificial intelligence (AI), offers various approaches to tackle Data Management challenges. With the ever-increasing “volume, velocity, and variety of data” being generated today, traditional methods of Data Management have become […]

Data Science vs. Machine Learning vs. AI

In the data economy, data is king. Today, any business – small, medium, or large – thrives on its data assets. The recent trend of offering data-driven insights as a service has opened up a profitable revenue channel for businesses. Cloud computing and hosted analytics have brought data-as-a-service to the desktops of ordinary business users, […]

When to Use AutoML vs. Manual ML: A Full Guide

Automated machine learning (AutoML) is a set of tools and techniques that automate the design, training, and deployment of machine learning models. AutoML has become essential due to the amount of data involved when creating ML models, helping to save a significant amount of time, human resources, and money.  Although manual machine learning is not obsolete, automating […]

Machine Learning 101

Machine learning (ML) is a subfield of AI that helps train machines to make decisions or complete tasks independently by studying and learning from data. Machine learning enables computers to learn, understand, and make decisions or perform tasks like humans without explicit programming.  Machine learning includes the process of building mathematical models from sample historical data […]

Machine Learning Examples and Applications

A subfield of artificial intelligence, machine learning (ML) uses algorithms to detect patterns in data and solve complex problems. Numerous fields and industries depend on machine learning daily to improve efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making. Recently, ML technologies have been reinforced by two subfields of their own: deep learning (DL) and computer vision. Read on for real-world examples […]