
A Brief History of Database Management

A database management system (DBMS) allows a person to organize, store, and retrieve data from a computer. It is a way of communicating with a computer’s “stored memory.” In the very early years of computers, “punch cards” were used for input, output, and data storage. Punch cards offered a fast way to enter data and […]

What Is NoSQL?

NoSQL describes a “category of databases built on non-relational technology.” Some believe it is more accurate to define NoSQL more about how the data is stored and less about how to query the database. NoSQL Databases usually fall under four main categories: Document: Stores a business subject in one structure called a document instead of breaking […]

Blockchain Uses Multiply with New Database Innovations

Blockchain is still considered new technology, best known for supporting cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether. But blockchain can provide security for a variety of purposes, ranging from privacy controls on medical records to preventing vote tampering. Ultimately, blockchain is a secure, encrypted database of agreements. Blockchain serves as a bookkeeping/contract platform which is incorruptible […]