
Types of Data Visualization and Their Uses

In today’s data-first business environment, the ability to convey complex information in an understandable and visually appealing manner is paramount. Different types of data visualization help transform analyzed data into comprehensible visuals for all types of audiences, from novices to experts. In fact, research has shown that the human brain can process images in as little as […]

Mind the Gap: The Data Chasm

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Mind the Gap, a monthly column exploring practical approaches for improving data understanding and data utilization (and whatever else seems interesting enough to share). This month, we start not with a gap but with a chasm – one that’s at the core of a bewildering paradox. We continue to see […]

Why Is a Data-Driven Culture Important?

Many modern organizations are recognizing how important it is to develop a data-driven culture. A data-driven culture typically describes a workplace environment and involves making information readily available to staff.  The general idea in promoting a data-driven workplace culture is to increase profits by developing a business that functions in a streamlined, efficient, and friendly […]

Data Stewardship Best Practices

As we continue to do business in a digitally connected world, more data-driven organizations are prioritizing data stewardship and following best practices to improve data quality and management. Data stewards maintain and protect data assets that need special care, not just for cybersecurity but for better business insights and more informed decision-making. In his presentation at a […]

Dashboard Tools for Data Analytics

In the world of data analytics, dashboard tools are pivotal instruments, distilling vast quantities of complex data into comprehensible, actionable insights. These tools are not mere luxuries but necessities for organizations aiming to navigate the data-rich environment of today’s digital businesses. By leveraging dashboard tools, businesses can transform raw data into a visually engaging and […]

Case Study: Establishing a Data-Literate Culture

Imagine a rapidly expanding small business with a 20% yearly growth tasked with establishing and maintaining a data-literate culture. Then, add a new Data Architecture upgrade with considerable changes to the business logic to this situation, causing a full-on panic. This journey, marked by confusion over data definitions and anxiety over system changes, describes the situation that Brooke Gajownik, director of […]

Demystifying Data Analytics Models

In today’s global landscape, organizations worldwide are increasingly turning to data analytics to enhance their business performance. Research conducted by McKinsey Consulting revealed that data-driven companies not only experience above-market growth but also witness EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) increases of up to 25% [1]. Additionally, Forrester’s findings indicate that organizations utilizing […]